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"It was a fantastic opportunity to showcase our work as both a thought leader and a learning organisation."  

Director's Log 

Let me begin by congratulating everyone who hosted and attended the many brilliant conferences, panels and activities that made up London International Shipping Week (LISW) in September. 

OCIMF’s own contribution was to host an OCIMF Day at the start of LISW, on Monday 11 September. Over 150 representatives from member companies, governments, the IMO, operators and other industry NGOs attended. I would like to thank the OCIMF team for all their hard work in making this day such a success – from those who presented on the day, to those who organised the logistics and registration desks. It was a fantastic opportunity to showcase our work as both a thought leader and a learning organisation.  

Guest speakers included the Chief Executive of the Energy Institute, who shared his insights on energy transition and role of shipping, representatives of G+ talking about offshore renewables, Shell sharing its expertise on new emerging fuels and hydrogen, and INTERTANKO and Tsakos giving their perspective on SIRE 2.0. 

OCIMF’s leadership team and the chairs of our principal committees were out and about throughout LISW, attending a range of industry events and seminars, from the UK government’s opening reception at Mansion House, to the LISW headline conference at the IMO.  

As you can see from the number of reports in this month’s newsletter, this is set to be a busy autumn. I look forward to sharing our progress with you over the coming months. 

Karen Davis

Director OCIMF

OCIMF Day in pictures


OCIMF Day took place on 11 September as part of London International Shipping Week. Over 150 attendees heard from guest speakers on energy transition, renewables and emerging technologies, as well as presentations from OCIMF Secretariat members on all areas of our work. Delegates had the opportunity to ask questions, and there was plenty of time to mingle, too.

Principal Committees meet during London International Shipping Week

OCIMF's three principal committees, Publications and Advocacy Tankers, Barges and Terminal Interfaces (P&A TBT), Publications and Advocacy Offshore (P&A Offshore), and Programmes, met during LISW to discuss progress and priorities over the coming period. 

The first session of the day was held jointly, and each of the Chairs shared their perspectives and gave an overview of the key outputs and activities of their committees. The Programmes Committee then separated, while the two P&A Committees heard updates from the Legal, Human Factors, Environment and Security functional committees. Discussions also covered advocacy and the IMO, publications plans and communications.

Decisions included the following:

  • The Human Factors Committee request to review the suite of Management and Self Assessment (MSA) tools was approved in principle, subject to alignment with the Programmes Committee work schedule.  

  • The project plan to develop Marine Information Threat Assessments for the industry was supported, and a PC member assigned to support the work.

The committees then divided into TBT and Offshore for the afternoon; see reports below.

Members of the two Publications and Advocacy Committees – TBT and Offshore – pictured in London.

P&A Tankers, Barges and Terminal Interfaces Committee

7th meeting, 12 September, (Hybrid) in London
Chair: Aled Roberts (BP)
Vice-chair: Raj Shetty (ENOC)
Vice-chair: James Sagar (ExxonMobil)
Secretary: Saurabh Sachdeva (P&A Director)
The P&A TBT Committee members met during the London International Shipping week and discussed broad ranging issues. The Chair’s term was extended by a year, approved and endorsed by the committee members and Managing Director. The committee then heard progress reports from the six expert groups that report to the TBT – Nautical, Engineering, Ship to Ship, Ship to Shore, Structures and Barges. Specific discussions included the following:

  • Approval of the work plan for the Ship to Ship Transfer Guide revision.

  • Approval of Global Barge Guide terms of reference.

  • Noting the low uptake of OCIMF’s Marine Terminal Information System (MTIS) programme, the committee requested the Ship to Shore Expert Group to develop a strategy to support the advocacy aspects of this important initiative and to align the expectations with the Programmes Committees work schedule.

  • The challenges with attendance and representation at expert group level.

  • How the Engineering, Structures and Nautical expert groups are working to address highest priority risks covering safe navigation, design and engineering solutions in support of the IMO’s decarbonisation efforts.

For more information, contact Saurabh Sachdeva, Publications and Advocacy Director, Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo..

P&A Offshore Committee

7th meeting, 12 September 2023 (Hybrid), in London
Chair: Don Davis (Chevron)
Vice-chair: Matthieu Bougeant (TotalEnergies)
Vice-chair: Alex Morton (Harbour Energy)
Secretary: Graham Coles (Offshore Adviser)/Saurabh Sachdeva (P&A Director)
The seventh P&A Offshore Committee meeting was held in London during the London International Shipping Week. In addition to existing members, the committee was pleased to welcome new representative members to the Offshore Committee from Enoc and Petrobras. The committee noted updates on key activities including the Offshore Life Saving Apparatus information paper, management of attending vessels, offshore asset integrity review, DP assurance and, to support member activities, an update on learning and engagement across the offshore marine renewable operations sector.

The committee received updates from the leads of both the Offshore Vessel Operations Expert Group (OVOEG) and Floating Systems Expert Group (FSEG),
incorporating a review of the 2023 plan for both offshore groups. Finally, the committee then reviewed the multiyear strategic plan to ensure that the current and planned activities remain valid and appropriate for remainder of this year and next year.

For more information, contact Saurabh Sachdeva, Publications and Advocacy Director, Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo. or Graham Coles, Offshore Adviser, Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo..

Programmes Committee  

15 August (virtual) and 12 September 2023 (London) 
Chair: Ed Barsingerhorn (Shell) 
Vice-chair: Javed Bhombal  (ExxonMobil) 
Secretary: Aaron Cooper (OCIMF) 

OCIMF was pleased to host the Programmes Committee on 15 August (virtual) and 12 September in person during London International Shipping Week. Topics discussed included a SIRE 2.0 update as well as updates from each Programmes Expert Group (Innovation and Technology, Programmes Governance, and Inspections Processes) to discuss priorities, work items and status. Additional topics of discussion included remote SIRE inspections, Submitting Company requirements, SIRE inspector coverage and an update on the ISO ongoing verification process.  

For more information contact Aaron Cooper, Programmes Director, Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.

Networking to boost diversity in maritime

OCIMF proudly hosted a meeting of the Ethnicity in Maritime Network during LISW.  

The Ethnicity in Maritime Network is part of Maritime UK's Diversity in Maritime programme. Saurabh Sachdeva, as chair, welcomed attendees to OCIMF's offices on 14 September. He highlighted the need for leaders from all backgrounds to set the right tone and use their voices to create safe and diverse workspaces where everyone can give their best. The meeting also learned from the life experiences of Surgeon Commander Manish Tayal, MBE (RN), who shared his career journey in the Royal Navy.

The key discussions and outcomes of the meeting included:

  • To develop short, medium and long-term plans with clear objectives to help promote visible ethnic leadership and to root out casual racism in the maritime sector.

  • Creating organisational learning so that negative cultures can be identified, especially addressing hidden aggressions and micro-aggressions.

  • Encouraging visible leadership by people from diverse ethnic backgrounds as role models for young people to aspire to join the maritime sector. As an action, there will be a survey to establish the facts for the maritime community.

For more information, contact Saurabh Sachdeva, Publications & Advocacy Director, Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo..



Clockwise from top left: CAT-3 inspector training in Duisberg; CAT-3 inspector training in Rio de Janeiro; Regional Barge Meeting South and Central America; Regional Barge Meeting Europe. 

Barge engagement and training in Europe and South and Central America

Representatives of OCIMF member companies in the inland barging sector met to discuss challenges and progress, while current and prospective CAT-3 inspectors received training and refreshers.

The Regional Barge Meeting Europe took place on 30 August. Prominent among agenda items was the topic of smart shipping. This involves both technology on board ships and the design of the environment in which ships are operating, whereby ships can respond automatically to their environment through smart technology, for example with sensors that perceive environmental information. With this information, a ship can take action itself or make a proposal for action to the crew. Several studies and projects have started in the EU, most of them initiated by the local authorities and Rhine Commission and carried out by universities or research institutes. OCIMF is involved in five of these studies in order to advise the members and work towards an Information paper.

The following week, from 4–10 September, OCIMF organised face-to-face training for CAT-3 inspectors and candidate inspectors. The training was given in Duisberg by Training and Accreditation Manager Ajay Gour, assisted by the Barge Adviser Ton Mol. The candidate inspectors were trained for three days, followed by an exam, while existing CAT-3 inspectors received refresher courses, particularly focused on the new Barge Inspection Questionnaire and Barge Particulars Questionnaire, which came into use on 3 July. 

The Regional Barge Meeting South and Central America (SCA) took place in Rio de Janeiro on 18–19 September, hosted by member company Petrobras. Items on the agenda included updates on publications, security and preparations for the revision of the Barge Particulars and Barge Inspection questionnaires for SCA. OCIMF was pleased to welcome members as well as three potential new members in the region. OCIMF would like to thank Petrobras for its hospitality. 

From 22–26 September, Ajay Gour and Ton Mol conducted training for CAT-3 inspectors and candidate inspectors in the SCA region. As in Europe, the candidate inspector training was followed by refresher courses for existing inspectors. This was the first time since the Covid-19 pandemic that OCIMF has given inspector training in this region. The members and inspectors greatly appreciated the face-to-face meetings.

For more information, please contact Ajay Gour, Training and Accreditation Manager, Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo. or Ton Mol, Barge Adviser, Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo..

Meeting reports

VIP Steering Group  

Intercessional meeting: 13 September (London) 
Chair: Raj Shetty (ENOC) 
Vice-chair: Deb Cobb  (Marathon) 
Secretary: Aaron Cooper (OCIMF) 

OCIMF was pleased to host the VIP (SIRE 2.0) Steering Group on in person during London International Shipping Week. Topics discussed included a SIRE 2.0 update, a review of participant feedback following recent transition inspections, a review of the SIRE 2.0 new inspector course development, a review of the phase specific critical success factors as well as a tablet procurement and logistics update. 

For more information, contact Aaron Cooper, Programmes Director, Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo..

Environment Committee

7th meeting: 6 and 7 September 2023 (London/Teams) 
Chair: Sebastien Roche (TotalEnergies) 
Vice-Chair: Maartje Wibrew-Forster (Shell) 
Secretary: Filipe Santana (OCIMF Engineering Adviser) 

The Environment Committee (EC) discussed topics related to OCIMF's Environmental Plan, covering the four OCIMF strategic pillars: publications, programmes, advocacy, and members' collaboration, including:

  • Yearly review of the committee’s Terms of Reference. 

  • Mechanisms to enhance the cross-collaboration between OCIMF Committees and Expert Groups. 

  • Update on EU and CARB work programs and the impact of their outputs. 

  • Strategy review based on the IMO’s MEPC 80 outcomes. 

  • Updates related to current engagement in IMO workstreams, such as the life cycle analysis of marine fuels, safety of alternative fuels, reduction of air pollution, and regulatory framework for alternative fuels. 

  • Presentations on Blue Visby Solution and the Energy Leap scope of work. 

  • Discussion on the mapping of engagement with external organisations.  

  • Strategy to prioritise engagement with external organisations. 

  • The establishment of a Carbon Intensity Indicator Working Group (CII WG). 

  • Update on the environmental review of Tanker Management and Self Assessment 3 and the need for additional review of programmes’ question sets, including SIRE 2.0. 

The EC welcomed Martin Young as the Environmental Adviser, adding value to our environmental initiatives. New members Kristin Hausken (Equinor) and Rajala Sampo (NESTE) also joined the EC. Sebastien Roche (TotalEnergies) concluded his tenure as the EC Chair, passing the responsibilities to Maartje Wibrew-Forster (Shell), with Maria Polakis (BP) stepping in as Vice-chair. 

Next meeting: April 2023 (TBC) 

For enquiries, contact Filipe Santana, OCIMF Engineering Adviser, Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.

Maritime Security Committee 

8th meeting: 7 September  
Chair: Jose Parejo (CEPSA)  
Secretary: Russell Pegg (OCIMF Security Adviser)   

The MSC held its third meeting of the year on 7 September, enabling members to provide updates on immediate challenges faced in the Black Sea and Middle East. Additionally, the committee discussed:  

  • Maritime security in other regions, agreeing to take a deeper dive into the security environment in Latin America and complement work in OCIMF’s Barge Expert Group.   

  • The schedule for updating Best Managements Practices (BMPs) noting the recent Information Paper on Loitering Munitions published on 31 August. 

  • Finalising OCIMFs role in creating the process to deliver better maritime security advice for industry. 

The next committee meeting will be held, virtually, on Thursday 7 December, which will have a Latin American focus.  

If any members would like to be involved in this committee or observe a meeting please contact the Security Adviser, Russell Pegg Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.

Onshore Power Supply Working Group 

Chair: Jeff Bayham (ExxonMobil) 
Vice-chair: Robert Bridges (TotalEnergies) 
Secretary: Filipe Santana (OCIMF) 

The seventh Onshore Power Supply (OPS) Working Group meeting was held virtually. Key points discussed during the meeting included: 

  • The preparation of an interim report to be published via a factsheet with the power survey details and insights on maximum power required, voltage, number of cables, and connections. 

  • The selection of critical sections that are expected to be written first so they can be reviewed by member in the upcoming in-person meeting in november. 

  • The interaction between OPS WG members with external bodies such as CARB, PIANC, IAPH, IEC/IEEE/ISO JWG 28, Maersk-Mackiney Moller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping, and the IMO on the progress of the OPS WG's work.  

The OPS WG will meet again virtually in October aiming to finalise the factsheet draft. 

For enquiries, contact Filipe Santana, OCIMF Engineering Adviser, Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo..

Emissions Capture and Control Working Group 

Chair: Vineet Plaha (Chevron) 
Vice-chair: Eric Harrier (ConocoPhillips) 
Secretary: Filipe Santana (OCIMF Engineering Adviser) 

The objective of the first phase of the Emissions Capture and Control Working Group (ECC WG) is to develop guidance for applying emissions capture and control technologies when a tanker is moored alongside an onshore berth. The ECC WG has the participation of several OCIMF members and external organisations, including the International Association of Classification Societies (IACS), INTERTANKO and the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS).  

The initial virtual kick-off meeting and the followed in-person meeting in London were dedicated to creating an extensive map of threats and associated barriers under the group’s scope. This risk-based approach will allow the group to develop targeted guidance to cover HSSE risks and recommended practices for design, operations and maintenance of emissions capture and control systems.  

For enquiries, contact Filipe Santana, OCIMF Engineering Adviser, Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo..

Floating Systems Expert Group

11th meeting: 4 September
Lead: John Dunhill (Shell) 
Secretary: Graham Coles (Offshore Adviser) 

The group met virtually for its 11th meeting and was pleased to welcome new joining representative members from Santos, Eni, Petrobras and Modec. Meeting highlights include:

Publication updates:

  • Guidelines for Purchasing and Testing of SPM Hawsers.  Following latest feedback round, this document is currently going through final updates, and planned to hand over to OCIMF publications team in October 2023. 

  • Guide to Manufacturing and Purchasing Hoses for Offshore Moorings (GMPHOM).  Following a round of industry/member feedback, a working group has been formed and held its kick-off meeting to commence work.

LSA Information Paper: 

  • The workgroup completed initial draft and this has now been handed over to OCIMF secretariat to commence the publication process. Expected to publish in Q4 2023. 

Apart from publication updates, the main piece of work remaining for 2023 will be to start work on opportunities related to FPSO asset integrity and assurance. A working group is being formed at the moment and plans to start work on this issue next month. 

Next meeting: November 2023 (TBC) 

For any enquiries, please contact Graham Coles, Offshore Adviser, Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo..