Organisation Chart
The Executive Committee (ExCom) is OCIMF’s senior decision-making body, comprising of representatives from a maximum of 15 members including the Chair and Vice Chair(s) who are ex officio members. Members of the Executive Committee are elected at the Annual General Meeting. Reporting to ExCom, OCIMF’s Secretariat is responsible for the day-to-day running of the organisation while also providing a risk advisory function that guides OCIMF’s work.
OCIMF’s committees, which deliver the organisations’ outcomes, are made up of subject experts from across OCIMF’s global membership. The structure comprises three Principal Committees which drive the strategic priorities of the organisation. These Principal Committees convene specialist Expert Groups and Working Groups to deliver on specific outcomes, such as the development of an information paper or safety guidance update. Four Functional Committees feed sector-specific expertise on legal, human factors, environment and maritime security across all work conducted by the committees and groups. Communities of Practice (CoPs) set up as extensions of the Expert Groups provide virtual forums for members and industry stakeholders to share knowledge and insight in order to overcome issues and promote best practices.