"In mid-November, we held our 92nd Executive Committee meeting, hosted at the beautiful ExxonMobil campus in Houston."
Director's Log
November, for many, is a time for Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales. For OCIMF, it has been a month to measure 2023 progress and set 2024 expectations.
In mid-November, we held our 92nd Executive Committee meeting, hosted at the beautiful ExxonMobil campus in Houston. It was a productive session, followed by a joint ITOPF and industry dinner. At the end of the month, we held the 45th Annual General Meeting. Thank you to all who attended.
During both meetings and several member visits, I boasted about the amazing work done by the staff and various committees. The 2023 outputs include the second edition of the joint-industry publication, International Safety Guide for Inland Tank-barges and Terminals(ISGINTT 2) and information papers including Loitering Munitions: The Threat to Merchant Ships, with more to follow in December.
Current work includes the Ship to Ship Transfer Guide update and the development of a global barge guide. The Offshore Committee is identifying DP Assurance best practices, and the Environment Committee is tackling emissions capture and control. Adding that the SIRE 2.0 project will soon be entering Phase 3, we can conclude that 2023 was a productive year. We embraced a project mentality and focused on repeatable processes to drive efficiency.
As we move into December, I encourage all members to participate next year, for a broader representation and expanded expertise in our discussions and work.
Karen Davis
Director OCIMF
OCIMF engages at Port and Maritime Exchange event
OCIMF was pleased to provide the keynote address and engage in panel discussions during POMEX 2023 in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, 30–31 October.
Organised and hosted by MMS, this was an opportunity to discuss and engage on industry safety culture and operational efficiency, the opportunities and challenges in developing pathways to greener ports, and assurance through digitisation. The keynote focused on the increasing need for adaptability, innovation, sustainable practices and proactive change management in the face of evolving global dynamics. This means embracing diversity of thought as well as continuing to encourage a culture of collaboration and knowledge sharing. OCIMF thanks MMS and the attendees for the opportunity to engage at this important event.
For further information contact Aaron Cooper, Programmes Director, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Athens conference gives insights into tanker shipping
OCIMF attended the International Tanker Shipping and Trade Conference, Awards and Exhibition 2023 in Athens on 7–8 November.
Hosted by Riviera, the theme was ‘Competitiveness and compliance in today’s decarbonising industry’ and included boardroom insights to the next 12 months in tanker shipping and trade, navigating the digital transformation, as well as discussing innovations in efficiency, sustainability and environmental performance.
Aaron Cooper, OCIMF Programmes Director, presented an update on SIRE 2.0, which included the rationale for SIRE 2.0, an overview of the changes and how the programme is working so far during the transition phases. He also took part in a SIRE 2.0 panel session and Q&A alongside INTERTANKO and other industry stakeholders.
For further information contact Aaron Cooper, Programmes Director, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Dynamic discussions at Tripartite 2023
OCIMF's Filipe Santana presented at the Tripartite meeting organised by INTERCARGO in Tokyo, Japan, 9–10 November.
The Tripartite is a collaborative annual meeting between classification societies, shipowners and shipyards. Filipe presented the development of guidance on applying Onshore Power Supply for tankers and terminals. He was joined by OCIMF Publications and Advocacy Director Saurabh Sachdeva.
With the maritime industry at a pivotal point of transformation, the Tripartite meeting's focus on decarbonisation, regulatory perspectives, and the technical developments showcased a collective drive towards sustainability and innovation. The agenda delved into strategic and technical discussions, with sessions dedicated to industry leaders sharing insights on the implications of the IMO's 2023 revised GHG strategy and various solutions to pursue the reduction targets.
The conversations were dynamic and multifaceted, and the attendees had the opportunity to engage with the panellists during Q&A segments, fostering an environment of open communication and shared learning.
For enquiries, contact Filipe Santana, OCIMF Engineering Adviser, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
The Jetty Maintenance and Inspection Guide, Second Edition (JMIG 2) is updated to provide current information on the basic function, failure modes, inspection, maintenance, and repair of all key jetty equipment, items and systems. The book will be published in December and can be ordered now at the link below.
Meeting reports
Executive Committee
92nd meeting: 15 November
Chair: Nick Potter (Shell)
Vice-chairs: Waddah Ghanem (ENOC), Barbara Pickering (Chevron), Lambros Klaoudatos (BP)
The OCIMF Executive Committee held its autumn/fall meeting at the ExxonMobil campus in Houston, Texas, on 15 November. ExCom member Kate Lightfoot (IMT) kindly hosted the committee at the impressive facility. Chair Nick Potter (Shell) welcomed two new vice-chairs – Barbara Pickering (Chevron) and Lambros Klaoudatos (BP). With the chair located in Singapore, Barabara Pickering in Houston, Lambros Klaoudatos in the Netherlands, and the third vice-chair Waddah Ghanem (ENOC) based in Dubai, the ExCom officers have good regional diversity. The board was very pleased to welcome Barbara Pickering as its first female vice chair.
Work at the ExCom meeting included:
- Reviewing the Forum’s governance (including financial governance) risk and performance.
- Considering the Forum’s organisational goals and objectives for 2024.
- Receiving an update on the roll out of SIRE 2.0.
- Reviewing an update on the work of the OCIMF Committees.
- Supporting the work to implement the detailed Member Engagement plan.
- Staff planning.
After very careful consideration the ExCom approved the budget for 2024, including withdrawing the long-standing discount on membership fees.
Following the meeting ExCom held a joint dinner with the board of ITOPF, who were also meeting at the ExxonMobil campus the following day.
Onshore Power Supply Working Group
Chair: Jeff Bayham (ExxonMobil)
Vice-chair: Robert Bridges (TotalEnergies)
Secretary: Filipe Santana (OCIMF)
The 9th Onshore Power Supply (OPS) Working Group meeting was held in London from 1–3 November 2023. The meeting was primarily dedicated to progress on the development of the sections dedicated to providing guidance on the design, operation, inspection and maintenance, and training of personnel associated with the tanker, terminal and their interface. The group also discussed the strategy to address the remaining potential safety concerns to investigate necessary barriers to be addressed in the guide. Finally, the group agreed on a plan to advocate the developed guidance to global and regional regulators, such as the IMO, EU, and California Air Resources Board (CARB).
The OPS Working Group will meet again in person in April.
For enquiries, contact Filipe Santana, OCIMF Engineering Adviser, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
IMO News
IMO-International Labour Organization (ILO) Work at Sea Conference
A first of its kind IMO-ILO joint conference to ensure the rights of seafarers and fishers was held at the IMO headquarters in London on 13 November 2023. The joint forum identified gaps in the current regulatory framework and suggested how collaboration between governments and industry could drive improvement in legislation, which in turn would address challenges such as crew change, fatigue, mental health support, and fair wages for seafarers.
The following are some of the key themes that resonated at the conference:
- Connectivity on board ships was highlighted as a key factor in wellbeing and welfare for seafarers, especially in terms of attracting future generations to pursue careers at sea.
- The green transition in maritime must consider the human element and must be safe for seafarers.
- Companies under the ISM Code must develop robust measures to monitor and manage crew fatigue, and therefore, fatigue-related incidents. Psychological wellbeing must be prioritised.
- Flag States to ensure that ships under their flag operated with “safe” crewing levels rather than “minimum safe” crewing levels.
IOPC Funds
The IOPC Funds governing bodies met at the IMO headquarters in London from 7–10 November 2023 and some of the relevant outcomes are highlighted below.
2018 collision incident related to oil and chemical tanker Bow Jubail with a jetty in Rotterdam
The courts ruled against the shipowner in interpreting that the clauses under the International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage (1992 CLC) – and therefore more onerous liability – rather than the limited liability under the International Convention on Civil Liability for Bunker Oil Pollution Damage (Bunkers Convention, 2001).
Noting the potential impact of this decision on the shipping industry, particularly for tankers capable of carrying oil and chemicals as cargo, there was support for the development of proposals to consistently determine when a ship would fall under the Bunkers Convention, 2011 versus the 1992 CLC. The IOPC Funds Secretariat is expected to conduct further work into this and inform the subsequent meeting of governing bodies which is planned for April 2024.
The international liability and compensation regime
In response to an apparent increase in unregulated ship-to-ship transfer of sanctioned oil cargo, the governing bodies noted that a relevant Resolution would be proposed during the 33rd session of the IMO Assembly to be held towards the end of November 2023. It is envisaged that this Resolution, if adopted, would enable flag states to monitor ships registered under their flag for compliance with the spirit of MARPOL regulations when undertaking ship-to-ship transfer of oil cargo.
For more information contact Abhijit Aul, Risk and Regulatory Affairs Adviser, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..