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The aim of the SIRE Inspector Accreditation course is to train candidates to conduct inspections and compile inspection reports on behalf of the OCIMF member who submits reports into the SIRE database.

About the SIRE Inspector Accreditation Programme

The SIRE Inspector Accreditation course programme aims to train Applicants to conduct vessel inspections and write inspection reports on behalf of OCIMF Submitting Companies that submit these reports into the SIRE database.

The SIRE Inspector Accreditation programme is organised and managed by OCIMF; however, all new Applicants must be nominated by a SIRE Submitting Company in order to gain a place on a course.

A list of OCIMF Submitting Companies can be found on the OCIMF website

All New Inspector courses will be delivered via face-to-face (F2F) learning and Refresher Courses will be delivered via online platforms in 2025.

Eligibility of Applicants

Companies that are eligible to participate in SIRE by submitting reports to SIRE are known as “Submitting Companies”.

Only OCIMF Members who are also submitting companies are eligible to nominate an Applicant for Accreditation. The submitting company nominating an applicant must be satisfied that the Applicant, in addition to possessing the required qualifications, knowledge, experience and physical fitness, and appropriate to the category of qualification that is sought, is an individual of integrity who can be relied upon to fulfil the requirements of the inspection and represent the best interests of the OCIMF SIRE Programme.

It is the responsibility of the nominating submitting company to check and verify documents provided by the applicant as evidence of their qualifications and experience.

SIRE Category 1 Inspectors

Accompanied Inspections - All Candidates

All applicants are required to complete at least two accompanied inspections before attendance at a course. Two further accompanied inspections must be undertaken after successfully completing the course.

Applicant inspectors who are not in possession of a Dangerous Cargo Endorsement (DCE) as per STCW, must, in addition, undertake at least two accompanied inspections on each of these type of vessels prior to attending a course.

A further two accompanied inspections must be undertaken after successful completion of the course. These can be completed on any vessel type for which accreditation is being sought.

The purpose of the accompanied inspections is to introduce the applicant Inspector to the practical aspects of the SIRE Inspection System, the actual conduct of the inspection and to the SIRE Inspection editor software.

All Candidates

i.     Certification

Category 1 applicant Inspectors must:

  1. hold a valid certificate of competency (STCW II/I; II/2; III/I or III/2) from a recognised flag State or provide evidence of current employment in any field as listed in the equivalence table.
  2. have attended the advanced dangerous cargo training courses for the type of vessels for which accreditation is being sought.
  3. have successfully completed a valid ISO/ISM Auditor Course.

ii.   Work Experience

Category 1 applicant Inspectors must:

1. must have at least 60 months of overall sea service.

This is actual sea time served on board as a certificated officer on ocean going vessels greater than 3000gt or on vessels with engines greater than 3000kW for engineer officers. Experience on FSO, FPSO or other floating storage type vessels will be counted at 50% of actual time served onboard.

must have at least 18 months of sea service in a senior rank either as a Master, Chief Officer, Chief Engineer or 1st/2nd Engineer.

2. This is actual sea time served on board oil, chemical or gas tankers only. A maximum of 6 months of sea service in a senior rank can be made up using the equivalence table below. Experience on FSO or FPSO type vessels will not be counted.

Candidates with less than 60 months of overall sea service

Candidates applying under this category, must be a current employee working in the marine assurance department of the nominating submitting company.

In addition, candidates applying under this category must satisfy the following criteria:

i.     Certification

Category 1 applicant Inspectors must:

  1. have attended the advanced dangerous cargo training courses for the type of vessels for which accreditation is being sought.
  2. have successfully completed a valid ISO/ISM Auditor Course.

ii.   Work Experience

Category 1 applicant Inspectors must:

  1. any sea time submitted must be actual time served on board as a certificated officer on ocean going vessels greater than 3000gt or on vessels with engines greater than 3000kW for engineer officers. Experience on FSO, FPSO or other floating storage type vessels will be counted at 50% of actual time served onboard.
  2. must have at least 18 months of sea service in a senior rank as either a Master, Chief Officer, Chief Engineer or 1st/2nd Engineer. This is actual time served on board as a certificated officer oil, chemical or gas tankers only. A maximum of 6 months of sea service in a senior rank can be made up using the equivalence table provided below. Experience on FSO or FPSO type vessels will not be counted.
  3. Candidates:
  4. must have undergone a structured and documented training programme. This programme must be administered and delivered by the nominating submitting company and must include as a minimum:
  5. Training provided on ethics and code of conduct requirements of the submitting company.
  6. Training provided on shipboard operations such as mooring, cargo handling, navigation, engineering operations and general safety (ISGOTT) on the type of vessels for which accreditation is being sought.

Equivalence Table

The equivalence table provided below is for use when calculating sea service as required above.

Vetting Superintendent (submitting company only)

18 months

Ship Superintendent (for oil, chemical or gas tankers only)

18 months

PSC Inspector

18 months

Flag state inspector

24 months


24 months

Mooring/Loading Master

24 months

Terminal Operator

24 months

Class Surveyor

24 months 

SIRE Category 3 Inspectors

SIRE Accreditation

Specific requirements for the training, accreditation and administration of Category 3 Inspectors have been developed and implemented for North America, for South and Central America, and for Europe regions.

The minimum eligibility criteria for work experience, knowledge and capabilities set out below must be satisfied by all applicant Inspectors seeking SIRE Category 3 accreditation.


Category 3 Inspectors must hold, or have held:

  1. Certificate of competency for Officers in charge of a navigation watch or as Master of a ship of less than 500 gross tonnage issued by recognised flag state, or
  2. Certificate of Competency as Second Engineer issued by recognised flag state, or
  3. Nationally recognised Barge Master licence, or
  4. Nationally recognised barge Chief Engineers license, or
  5. Extensive day-to-day experience in barge operations or barge terminal management.

Work Experience

  1. Must have served at least two years on the vessels of the type to be inspected, (Note: Served means in this instance actual sea time accumulated on board and not calendar years with the operator), or
  2. Have undertaken suitable training to meet the agreed inspecting requirements for Category 3 vessels.
  • Category 3 Inspectors with previous seagoing experience shall hold or have held a Certificate of Advanced training appropriate to the type of vessel to be inspected or a certificate of equivalent standard issued by a local authority.


Category 3 Inspectors must be able to demonstrate familiarity with, and knowledge of, International Regulations, National regulations as appropriate, codes and Conventions and Industry Guidelines, Procedures and Standards appropriate to the type of vessels being inspected.

The nominating Submitting Company is required to assess this knowledge and deem it to be acceptable and appropriate for the type of vessels the candidate inspector will be required to inspect.


Category 3 Inspectors must:

  1. be physically capable of conducting a full and complete inspection according to the requirement of the programme, and
  2. be capable of communicating proficiently in written and spoken English
  3. have undertaken training associated with the inspection of these vessel types. Such training should be to the satisfaction of the Submitting Company to ensure that the candidate is able to conduct a full and complete inspection according to the requirements of the programme.
  4. be capable of communicating proficiently in the spoken language of the vessels’ personnel.

Compliance with eligibility criteria

The Submitting Company nominating a SIRE Cat-1 or SIRE Cat-3 candidate is responsible for ensuring that the applicant complies with the eligibility criteria before their applications are passed onto OCIMF for final review and approval.

Inspector Training Schedule – 2025

A schedule of refresher courses for the SIRE Cat-1 and Cat-3 programmes commences on 4 February 2025.

All SIRE Category-1 inspectors due to undertake refresher courses in 2025 will be allocated a course by OCIMF.

Places will be allocated to ensure all existing SIRE Category-3 inspectors undertake their refresher courses as required by the current accreditation guidelines.

Refresher Courses (SIRE)

A schedule of refresher courses for the SIRE Cat-1 and Cat-3 programmes commences on 4 February 2025.

All SIRE Category-1 inspectors due to undertake refresher courses in 2025 will be allocated a course by OCIMF.

Places will be allocated to ensure all existing SIRE Category-3 inspectors undertake their refresher courses as required by the current accreditation guidelines.

New Inspector Courses (SIRE) 

SIRE Category-1: A training programme for new SIRE Category-1 inspectors has been scheduled for 2025 for applicants nominated by Submitting companies. A full list of courses for 2025 are provided below.

All applicants must be invited by submitting companies and nominations must be submitted to OCIMF via the electronic SIRE registration portal.

SIRE Category-3: Training Courses for new SIRE Cat-3 inspectors in the North America Region have been scheduled for 2025. New SIRE Category-3 inspector training courses will be scheduled for Europe and South and Central America regions where a minimum number of applicants have been nominated by submitting companies.  

Inspector Audits (Initial and Renewal) 

Initial audits:

SIRE Category-1 inspectors: Applicant inspectors will be required to successfully undergo an initial audited inspection during a physical SIRE Cat-1 inspection to gain their accreditation.

SIRE Category-3 inspectors: The audited inspection process for SIRE Category-3 inspectors does not change. SIRE Category-3 inspectors in NA, SACA and Europe will be required to undertake an initial audit following the requirements in the current accreditation guidelines.

Renewal audits:

SIRE Category-1 inspectors: OCIMF has suspended the requirement for existing inspectors to be assessed during physical inspections. An alternate process is being used to review and continuously improve the performance of existing inspectors. These inspector performance reviews will continue to be carried out by OCIMF and will be prioritised according to the original accreditation expiry date for each inspector.

SIRE Category-3 inspectors: The audited inspection process for SIRE Category-3 inspectors does not change. Renewal audits for SIRE Category-3 inspectors in North America (NA), South and Central America (SACA) and Europe will continue to follow the requirements in the current accreditation guidelines once they are restarted. 

Accreditation Expiry Dates 

SIRE Category-1 inspectors: Accreditation expiry dates for all SIRE Category-1 inspectors have been aligned with the inspectors’ original dates of expiry. All SIRE Category-1 inspectors will be issued with virtual ID cards on their inspection tablets.

SIRE Category-3 inspectors: There are no changes to the inspector accreditations and updated inspector ID cards will be sent out in all cases.

ECDIS Training (SIRE Cat-1) 

All existing SIRE Category-1 inspectors are required to have undertaken a one-day ECDIS training course for inspectors.

Accredited inspectors that have not yet undertaken this course will be allocated to a course and will be notified accordingly.


Any candidate travelling for SIRE/OVID new inspector courses will be required to take into consideration all costs of travel and/or accommodation and should comply with all applicable local, national, or international health and safety requirements when travelling.


Applications for new inspector courses should be submitted at the earliest opportunity to allow sufficient time for logistics, such as the setup of venues, visa applications, accommodation, and travel arrangements.

OCIMF will review courses up to three months before their start dates to determine whether a course will take place. 


While every effort is made to ensure that courses are run as scheduled, OCIMF reserves the right to cancel published courses at any time. In such cases, OCIMF is not responsible for any costs related to travel or accommodation that may be incurred by candidates.


SIRE New Inspector Courses - 2025

SIRE Cat-1






Location (Time zone)



Course Dates

Application Deadline

Course Status


SIRE Cat-1 New Inspector Course 


17-21 Feb 

22 Nov 2024

Rescheduled to 28-Jul


SIRE Cat-1 New Inspector Course 


31 Mar – 4 Apr 

 7 Feb 2025

Course Full


SIRE Cat-1 New Inspector Course


9-13 Jun

14 Mar 2025



SIRE Cat-1 New Inspector Course


28 Jul – 01 Aug

2 May 2025



SIRE Cat-1 New Inspector Course


29 Sep – 3 Oct

4 Jul 2025



SIRE Cat-1 New Inspector Course


24-28 Nov

29 Aug 2025


SIRE Cat-3






Location (Time zone)



Course Dates

Application Deadline

Course Status


SIRE Cat-3 (Europe) New Inspector Course 


1-3 Jul 

16 May 2025










SIRE Refresher Courses – 2025

SIRE Cat-1






Location (Time zone)



Course Dates

Application Deadline

Course Status


SIRE Cat-1 Refresher Course


4-5 Feb




SIRE Cat-1 Refresher Course 


11-12 Mar



Middle East

SIRE Cat-1 Refresher Course 


20-21 May




SIRE Cat-1 Refresher Course


24-25 Jun




SIRE Cat-1 Refresher Course


16-17 Sep




SIRE Cat-1 Refresher Course


14-15 Oct




SIRE Cat-1 Refresher Course


4-5 Nov
















SIRE Cat-3






Location (Time zone)



Course Dates

Application Deadline

Course Status


SIRE Cat-3 Refresher Course 


29-30 Apr




SIRE Cat-3 Refresher Course 


3-4 Jun 




ECDIS Courses - 2025

A schedule of dates for ECDIS courses will be published alongside the new inspector course schedule for 2025.